those blue eyes. Sydnie is especially fond of his ears (due to an ear obsession inherited from her dad--really). She was playing with Chase the other day

"You must be the change you want to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” –Maria Robinson
But we can all be angels to one another.
We can choose to obey the still small stirring within, the little whisper that says,
"Go. Ask. Reach out. Be an answer to someone's plea. You have a part to play. Have faith."
The world will be a better place for it.
And wherever they are, the angels will dance.
Joan Wester
I love this blog. It was about this time last year that I remember blogging about my wonder of a Reese, who with just one glance could calm me down and lay waste to any storm raging around her. Now a year, just one year later, I think that Reese is the cause of every storm in our home. She is into and on to everything. You tell her no and she does it or gets it herself anyway. I hope that cute little Chase remains easy to please and as calm as he is now. Give him food and smile at him often and he is happy. I think that he is the cutest little man I know. All 18 pounds of him, just more of him to love and kiss.
Wow, he is so stinkin cute! Can you believe he weighs more than Lexie and she's 10 months old! Can't wait to squeeze that squishy little guy!
What an adorable little guy!
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