I wish I could proclaim that it were more often, but usually every winter there is that ONE day....that day that

you wake up to a good foot of freshly fallen snow in your yard, and a calm winter

wonderland every where you look. That day is THE day...the day that we pu

ll out all of the snow gear and we all head out to make THE snowman of the season. (Again, sad that it only happens once ;) ). Today was this day....and here is our beloved snowman. As you can see through the process of it all, Sydnie ended up in last year's too tight snow pants, Chase hated every minute of it, and Kade was in his bliss.
This mom just needs to be more of a trooper and strap on those snow boots more often to head out with
the kiddos. I actually love it until I get wet....and c

old. We rolled those big snowballs...and Kade helped me lift/roll/grunt as we hoisted that middle snowball up onto the base. He was so proud of himself...and so was I! We brought out buckets and we proceeded to make "colored gumdrops" around the base of our snowman. The kids had a ball coloring the snow. At the end of the day, they hugged him goodnight and went inside without even naming him. After a night of rain...we awoke to a melted man, and sad little hearts. But I assured them that "he'd be back again next year" on that next, wonderful
Day of the Snowman. Until then, I'll check in my boots for the winter, and pray for sun!

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