Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Madness

Yes, March Madness certainly means something different for all of us.....

To my darling hubby, it includes lots of talk radio, and sneaking in a game on TV (usually on mute, poor guy) any moment he can. Even if it means he has to "do the dishes" in the kitchen while watching--so be it. I won't complain. This year, for me, March Madness included Grandma's funeral, projects for friends, PTA commitments, Spring cleaning around our neglected homestead, a baby shower, my Mom's heart surgery, a sad funeral for a friend's daughter in the ward, swimming lessons, the beginning of soccer for Kade-man and registering Kade for Kindergarten (so sad).... whew! It makes me tired just recalling it all. However, I have to admit that I was able to walk out my back door and take in the beauty that was beginning to blossom all around me, and still find peace. The beautiful warm Spring weather and the flowers that were finally showing their beautiful, bright potential were therapy for a tired, busy and sad little heart. They made me stop, take a breath, remember how much Grandma loved her flowers, and smile at the sunshine beating down. March was indeed madness, but full of a lot of love and reasons to be grateful for what we Gospel...and the flowers.

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