Thursday, July 31, 2008

Growing old....gracefully?

Yes, we're getting old around here! 32 years old, officially. Birthdays are a great time for personal reflection, right? It's beyond surreal that in such a seemingly short time one can experience such a diverse gathering of life experiences. When you really stop to contemplate the intensity of life's ups and's amazing we maintain any state of grace at all...let alone accepting it all gracefully. However, when you consider grace as a gift--and take a few moments to bathe in life's truest treasures....children, family, friends...all of them extending a moment of grace, a hug, a quick laugh...I really am growing old--quite gracefully. My life is so full...and so blessed!

Thank you to sweet family...who accept me as I was made. Thank you to timeless friends, who insist on only seeing the good...and thank you to my own priceless, forever little clan who make every day another memory and moment that makes me whole. Love you all!!!

Thank you for extending your graces and making my day one of the most memorable ever!!!

For the sake of journaling: The night before consisted of an ambush birthday party with all of my great gal-pals; in the morning I awoke to breakfast in bed, visits, calls, a cake that Sydnie & Nana had made (Syd put all the flowers on herself--she was SO excited), neighbors sewing curtains, roses, thoughtful gifts and a pedicure--all before 10:30 am! An amazing afternoon with an incredible friend, followed by a fantastic girls' night with Mom, Judy and the 'Sisters' finished off the day. It doesn't get much better than that! Thanks again to all! Hugs!


Pike's Place said...

Happy Birthday, Alicia! It doesn't get much better than that -- family, friends, food, etc. I'm glad you joined our age 32 rank . . . we need more support in our older age. :) Really, though, I'm so glad your day was great!

Unknown said...

What wonderful friends and family you have! It sounds like they took care of you in a perfect way! Happy Birthday, friend! Although our paths don't cross often at all, you will always be dear to me!