It was a day long awaited for (by me) and long-dreaded (by the kiddos). We had been pursuing the opportunity to remove Kade's tonsils for years. The poor little man has suffered from countless tonsilitis infections--leaving him so, so sick and miserable. So, as we were doing our final exams and getting the official 'thumbs up' for Kade's surgery, a few things popped up in the medical evaluation questions that applied so well to Sydnie and her sleeping habits. I thought a quick, "hmmmm" and had the doctor do a quick look into her unsuspecting mouth. "Wow!" he exclaims...."those tonsils are huge! How is she sleeping at all?" Within minutes, my calculating Mom-Mind had figured a way to have both sets of tonsils removed...on the same day. Thus, we find ourselves at T-Day....with our brave, yet nervous Sydnie and Kaden.
They woke up and packed their backpacks with their favorite comfort items....blankies, Wilbur, the pig, and of course, the Angry Birds app on Don's cell phone for emergency measures. We arrived at the surgical center and t
Sydnie was the brave older sister and went first...then they came for Kade. Both surgeries were a great success, and we got to sit with both of them in a big recovery suite made for two. After Sydnie woke up, she popped right up and had her popsicles, juice and was ready to leave! The nurses couldn't believe
Kade resisted a little more and just wanted to stay asleep a little longer. After some encouraging and the emergency call out to the Angry Birds Game on the cell phone....he decided to come home with us, too
Overall, this Mom walked out with my two brave babies and an extremely grateful heart. Not only did they fly through the procedure with grace and courage...but I also made it through my first experience with my children in surgery without them having to medicate me, as well :) (I think I was more nervous than they were!) Whew! On to the recovery! Here's to some great pain meds (for them) snoreless nights and happy throats going forward!
Thanks to everyone for their sweet calls, visits, cold treats and unconditional concern! We love you!
1 comment:
I often think that kids are more brave than adults. I think back to what I went through as a cancer kid and am amazed at my bravery. I am the biggest baby now. Maybe we are all given a certain amount of pain tolerance in our lives and mine was all used up as a child.
I am glad all went well for you and the kiddos. Ü
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