Our Sydnie has a knack for science. Ever since I can remember, she has been right behind me while I garden.....turning over every rock....looking for ants to watch, bugs to put in her bug catcher, or worms that she can hold and play with, and then
"return them to their mommies." It's amazing....there is no fear, only wonder. It truly is one of the things I adore most about her. Her eyes sparkle...and my rock borders remain crooked...as the search continues each Spring and Summer.
She recently brought home the Science Fair flyer and insisted on entering. I discounted the thought since it was only a week or so after she would be through her "tonsil recovery period." However, she persisted, as did my guilt, and out of persistence, guilt and the long standing traditions of Grandpa Larry....a science project was born!
Amazing Ants!... was the experiment of choice. Syd had received an ant habitat last summer for her bi

rthday that she loved. She (and I) spent many hours watching those ants tunnel and dig their way around. For her project, she devised a hypothesis that
ants that were colder wouldn't be able to dig tunnels as well as ants that were warm. Off we went....
She built two ant habitats, filled them with dirt, added Harvester Ants, food, water, and placed one of them in the basement where it is pretty chilly these days. Sydnie carefully kept an observation journal where she noted temperature and progress on those tunnels. Sure enough, those cold a

nts hardly dug any tunnels at all! Sydnie's hypothesis had pro

ven correct...and a six year old scientist was born.
Next....the Science Fair... We spent hours talking about what she wanted her board to say, typing up captions, looking up pictures on the internet, and preparing her display. She sat so patiently with me as I helped her type up the labels, and was so excited as we sprinkled sand over her display board to make it look like there were ants tunneling through it. I truly think she hardly slept the night before, and she awoke at the crack of dawn to push me out of be

d so we could run up to school and set up. She was so excited to share her discoveries, and let everyone see her "hairy ant" in Grandpa Larry's microscope. After a day of sharing, we returned that evening with the family to find a bright, shiny
blue ribbon next to her
Amazing Ants. Sydnie had won First Place amongst the First Grade projects. The surprise on her face was priceless...she was so proud!
I sat and watched her that evening as she proudly stood by that display representing so much of her

sweet time and energy. She motioned with her cute hands towards the microscope, and invited the parents, students and teachers to watch those ants tunnel. My favorite was when she got to the part where she exclaimed,
"and my hypothesis was right!" She looked so grown up to me, suddenly. One of those
Mommy Snap Shots that you take with your heart--and take a step back as you reluctantly realize that your baby is growing up... wow.
What an experience! What a smile...what a girl.
Amazing Sydnie and her
Amazing Ants! [One science fair down....??? to go? ;) ]We love you Syd! Way to go!

I love her much more than the Show. But she fits it to a tee. So proud of her.
Congratulations Sydney! Maybe you should come over and teach my kids a thing or two!!
Awww, I got all teary eyed reading this entry! Good job Syd!
Congrats Syd!!! Somehow I'm not surprised-Alicia, you are such a good mommy, helping to make the cute girl's dream come true!!! Sydney's sweet little face makes my heart flutter!!!
Wow! I am UBER impressed. She should just skip the rest of elementary school and jump straight into college. She is our own Doogie Howser. :) That entire project is AMAZINg! Way to go, Syd! (And Alicia - you deserved the blue ribbon just as much!)
So, I am now convinced that the second coming is on its way since you are blogging again. :) Have LOVED catching up and seeing your adorable kiddos. Love you guys so much!
way to go Syd! what a cool project!
Yay for Syd! Such a cute girl, and a cute mommy. Hugs
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